Please fill up this up as best as you can but if you get stumped,just give us your email/phone number and we will take care of this for you

Full name *

Please enter your name. (ex. John Doe)

Phone number *

We need your phone number to contact you.

Email Address *

Please enter your email address.

Company Name


Website URL


Have You Outsourced Before? *
<choose one>
Terms of Agreement *
<choose one>
Less Than A Month
3-6 Months
1 Year
Job Type *
<choose one>
Part Time
Full Time

Please select job type.

Number *

Please specify the number of staff you need.

Budget *

Please quote salary/hour.

Level of Expertise *
<choose one>
Entry Level (1-3 yrs experience)
Intermediate (3-5 yrs experience)
Expert (Over 5 years experience)

Please select one.

Job Title *

Do you need Web Developer, Marketing Assistant, Graphic Designer, Chat Support Agent, etc.

Required Skills *

Please tell us about the skills used for this job at least 80% of the time.

Required Skills *

Please tell us about the skills used for this job at least 50% of the time.

Required Skills *

Nice to have skills like good communication, flexibility and adaptability.

Industry Experience *

Please indicate your preferred industry experience for this job.

Educational Attainment *
<choose one>
Associate degree
Bachelor's degree
Master's degree
Doctoral degree

Please select one.

Other *

Preferred mode of contact (Do you want us to call you (preferred), or send an email?

ЧУО ЦППиПР "Искусство созидания"

Юридический адрес: Республика Беларусь Гомельская область 247673, г.Рогачев, ул.Дзержинского 1, каб.19 Свидетельство о государственной регистрации юридического лица №192774394 от 14.02.2017 выдано Мингорисполкомом УНП 192774394

Адрес: г.Рогачев, ул.Дзержинского 1, каб.18


Телефон:  7-352-352

Режим работы:

ПН-ПТ: 08.00-19.00, СБ-ВС: 09.00-17.00.

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